A brief introduction to the
Amanda Palmer Trust
In September 2006, following Miss Palmer’s tragic and unexpected death, and the untangling of her highly complex financial affairs, the Amanda Palmer Trust (APT) was founded with the intention of "working towards the perpetuation and development of the vernacular arts, with specific emphasis upon the weird, freakish and generally other", as stated in her will (the actual words in the will were "Fucking Rock Love Art Incarnate" but these were deemed inappropriate for the manifesto of an arts-based charity fund by a vote of 7 to 6 – a decision still considered contentious by some).
Among its first major projects is the still ongoing task of cataloguing and, where possible, archiving the many and various online texts which began to appear in the aftermath of Miss Palmer’s sudden demise as an expression of grief and perplexity from her extensive fan-base – pieces which have come to be known in the wider world as Palmeresques. So far over 15,000 individual and unique examples have been catalogued although this is admittedly merely the tip of an iceberg whose scale is impossible to even estimate, given the amorphous nature of internet – a Sisyphian effort indeed . To this end the APT has recently launched an appeal to fans of the late Miss Palmer and other interested parties that if they come across, or happen to have written any piece that might be considered a Palmeresque they might copy the text or URL to the appropriate form on the APT website. If you are interested in participating in this project please click here.

Who is
Tobias James?

Have you seen this man? He is thought to be approx. 6ft two inches tall, and often wears a false moustache. Please contact us urgently with any information.

To purchase a copy of On the Many Deaths of Amanda Palmer click here